内容页模板标签写法 {dede:tag row= 30 sort = new getall= 0 }div class= hot mt1 dl class= tbox light dt class= light strong[field:tag /] /strong/dt dd class= light ul class= c1 ico2 [field:tag runphp=yes]global $dsql,$id,$aid;$myid = isset($id) ? $id : $aid;$taga = […]
{dede:tag row='30' sort='new' getall='0'}
<div class="hot mt1">
<dl class="tbox light">
<dt class='light'><strong>[field:tag /]</strong></dt>
<dd class='light'>
<ul class="c1 ico2">
[field:tag runphp=yes]
global $dsql,$id,$aid;
$myid = isset($id) ? $id : $aid;
$taga = @me;
$arow = $dsql->GetOne("Select * From `58pic_tagindex` where tag like '$taga'");
$tid = $arow['id'];
$tagsql = "Select aid From `58pic_taglist` where tid = $tid And arcrank > -1 group by aid order by aid desc";
$result = '';
while($arow = $dsql->GetArray('t'))
$ids[] = $arow['aid'];
if(count($ids) > 0)
$idsStr = join(',', $ids);
$query = "Select arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,
from `58pic_archives` arc left join `58pic_arctype` tp on arc.typeid=tp.id
where arc.arcrank>-1 and arc.id in($idsStr) And arc.id<>$myid order by arc.id desc limit 10";//输入多少个文章
$result = '';
$totalRow = $dsql->GetTotalRow();
while($row = $dsql->GetArray('t'))
$arcurl = GetOneArchive($row['id']);
$result .= "<li><a href='{$arcurl['arcurl']}'>{$row['title']}</a></li>";
if($result=='') $result = "<p style='color:#f00;'> 该TAG标签没有相关文章</p>";
@me = $result;